Ever since I was a child, my family has loved books and language, and encouraged me to do the same. My father is an absolute fanatic and purveyor of audio books, my sister is a storyteller and aspiring author, and both my brother and mother are confessed bookworms --- but my mother's devotion to books often came in her love and joy in not only teaching children to read, but teaching them to love reading --- hence her consistent struggle with me. I was always more picky about the books I would read. They had to be just right: the right tension, pacing, characters, tone, style, and more. Anything less than what I deemed perfect would be promptly DNF'd (a habit I'm glad to say I've overcome...somewhat!). But what I did find I liked was the discussion of story, even more so when I could help people write better stories, which led me to my career in publishing.
I wanted to create Yestoria as not only a love letter to my devotion to storytelling, but also to all the people like my family out there. People who love a good story whether they're reading it, writing it, listening to it, or critiquing it. When I finished college and joined the workforce, I realized just how limited the amount of help and knowledge aspiring authors (and even editorial people like me!) get about the publishing industry. And it's such a shame, because that means so many great stories are going unheard and unseen, so many great stories that I and others like me would love to have. So Yestoria is dedicated to giving people all the information I've accrued from being in publishing in the past, present, and future... to you. Let's go on this publishing journey together!
The main two genres I love are romance and suspense fiction as a whole: horror, thriller, mystery and the like. I'm also a fan of fantasy (although it's the genre I am most picky with), adventure and some sci-fi and historical fiction. Contemporary and Literary fiction are also enjoyable from time to time, but I mainly focus on, what you may noticed, fiction. The furthest I will typically go into nonfiction is narrative nonfiction, biographies and autobiographies. The age groups I focus on range anywhere from middle grade and YA to new adult and adult. Because most of my experience lies in children's books that's where a good amount of my knowledge comes from, but publishing is about nothing if not networking, so I've got some knowledge from most editorial avenues.